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Digging Deep

Let's be honest.  Weight loss is hard work.  If we want to see the results we have to do some digging—literally and figuratively.  We have to "dig" a hole in our calorie intake and we have to "dig" deep to really look at our eating habits and what we need to change.

My fiancé made a blunt, but honest comment about my eating habits—"Why are you eating the snack mix?  I thought you were trying to lose weight."  I felt as if I had been hit by lightning.  This comment was a wake-up call because it showed me that I was eating when I really wasn't hungry.  I was mindlessly eating.  This kind of behavior can definitely derail our weight loss efforts and make it harder for us to figure out why we can't lose weight.

Keeping a food journal can help us be more aware of what we eat and how much we eat, which will help decrease our calorie intake (if we want to).  If we don't really want to work hard at losing weight then we probably won't see any weight loss.  So, you have to ask yourself, "Am I really ready to change?"  If you are ready for change you won't mind doing the extra work to meet your goals.

CHI Health Weight Management Team
CHI Health Weight Management Team

These blogs were written by the CHI Health Weight Management Team.

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