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Growing the Solution to Eating Healthier

Spring has finally arrived! The temperatures outside are finally warm enough to start planting. What better way to know where your food is coming from than to grow it yourself? With a little bit of work you can grow your own organic vegetables and fruits, and can savor the fruits of your labor by providing food for you and your family.

Growing your own food doesn’t mean you have to plant an acre of land. Gardens come in all shapes and sizes. Start by doing container gardening: you can put tomatoes, peppers, herbs and other vegetables in individual planters or five gallon buckets. Or if you have a yard, you can grow vegetables in flower beds. And if you are feeling more adventurous, dig up some sod for a more permanent garden space. If you don’t have space for your own garden, but would like a garden plot, you can join one of the many community gardens around Omaha, or in the city where you live.

There are several resources that provide information on gardening, including:

Douglas County Extension

Edible Omaha Magazine

Mother Earth News

Organic Gardening

Victory Gardens


CHI Health Weight Management Team
CHI Health Weight Management Team

These blogs were written by the CHI Health Weight Management Team.

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