At the dawn of the New Millennium in Paris on February 4, 2000, Professors David Khayat of the Salpetriere Hospital in Paris and Gabriel Hortobagyi of M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, along with a committee of internationally respected oncologists, arranged a World Summit against Cancer in Paris. After all, what better time to redefine the battle against cancer than the turning of the Millennium?
One of the signature goals of this meeting was the creation of the ten-article Charter of Paris. In essence, the preamble and ten articles contained in the Charter acknowledged how profoundly cancer affects humans of all walks of life in every country on our planet.
Cancer Care for All People
But not all people in our global community have equal access to cancer care. By working cohesively to better understand cancer and its treatment, we can collectively create better treatment platforms to help people in need everywhere. The following statement succinctly sums it up: "Since cancer knows no boundaries, and individual countries cannot address the challenges of cancer in isolation, a new co-operative approach to research, advocacy, prevention and treatment must be established."
Be a Part of the Goal
The call-to-action of World Cancer Day 2023 is to unite the world’s voices by building stronger alliances and innovative new collaborations. The ultimate goal of World Cancer Day is to make progress with each successive meeting in bringing quality cancer care to every person in the world, no matter where they live, and regardless of their race, sex, net worth, or other individual circumstances. Truly an admirable goal!
Visit the World Cancer Day website to see how you can get involved.