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Pre-Conceptual Considerations

Pregnancy is an exciting time. But it can also be scary if complications can arise. Ensuring you are in the best health before you conceive will help to lower your chance of complications during pregnancy and after delivery. If you are trying to conceive in the new year, here are some things to consider ahead of time.

1. Monitor your menstrual cycle.

Tracking your periods will help you narrow down your window for ovulation. Do you cycle every 28 days? 40 days? There can be a variance to what is “normal” for each person. There is only a 2-3 day window each month when ovulation can occur. There are many apps for your phone that can assist with this.

2. Abstain from drugs, alcohol and tobacco products.

Any woman trying to conceive should avoid these substances for the best chance of a healthy pregnancy. Avoid these during pregnancy and while you are breastfeeding as well.

3. Start a prenatal vitamin.

Do this when you decide to try for pregnancy. The folic acid in a prenatal vitamin is generally higher level than that of a regular multivitamin. Folic acid helps in prevention of brain and spinal column abnormalities in the developing baby.

4. Obtain or maintain a normal weight.

Obesity can have harmful effects for mother and baby during pregnancy and delivery. This includes gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, miscarriage, preterm birth and stillbirth. Larger babies are often born to obese mothers, which increases risks during delivery, such as a shoulder dystocia. There can be complications with increased bleeding after delivery for mom. Heart and neural tube defects are seen more often in babies whose moms are obese as well.

5. Make sure any chronic health conditions are in good control.

Women with chronic health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, lupus, thyroid disease, depression, etc can have a healthy and uncomplicated pregnancy. But they are at increased risk for exacerbations of their disease as well as complications in general during pregnancy. This can include infertility, miscarriage, stillbirths. Many of these chronic health conditions require the use of medications to control your symptoms. There are many that are compatible with pregnancy, but many are not. You should discuss your current health issues and medications with your healthcare provider prior to pregnancy.

6. Establish care with an obstetrical provider as soon as you find out you are pregnant.

Early pregnancy evaluation may include an ultrasound and lab work. They will also review your medical history, past pregnancies and medications. They will establish a plan of care for you and your baby.

With these pointers, you will decrease your risk of complications and set yourself up to the best possible outcome for you and your baby! Reach out to one of our providers for more information to schedule an appointment

Jade Malcolm, APRN
Jade Malcolm, APRN

Jade Malcolm, APRN is a Women's Health Nurse Practitioner with CHI Health.

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