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244 results found

Running Into Old Age

My wife talked me into running a marathon this year.  As you know, a marathon is a running race that ...

No One Lives Forever

A physician friend of mine recently posed a question: What would happen, he asked, if all our efforts to stamp ...

Can’t Win For Losing

This morning while eating breakfast I came across a story in the newspaper announcing that an occasional glass of wine ...

6 Ways to Avoid Toxic Positivity: Why “Looking on the Bright Side” Isn’t Always a Good Thing

No matter who you are, at some point, you will face adversity and likely even tragedy within your life. All ...

Big 10 Tips for a Healthy Husker Season

This weekend the Huskers kick off their first season in the Big 10. Gone are the days of the Big ...

10 Ways to Prevent a Stroke

Lists are big.  I love them and so do most people.  For me they do three things.  They give me ...

Therapies for Parkinson's Disease Patients

Parkinson’s disease can affect many aspects of daily living. Common symptoms include a shuffling walking pattern, poor posture, decreased balance ...

Head Off Childhood Obesity with 5-2-1-0

The little things parents do can make a big difference for their child’s health and can prevent childhood obesity. For ...

2011 Year End Summary

This week marks the 3rd year in a row that I’ve published a new post every week without missing as ...

Leg Swelling

Swelling of the legs is a common problem and one I encounter on an almost daily basis.  It can be ...