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244 results found

Glucose Monitors for Diabetes

I’m Marcia Malone, I'm a nurse practitioner, and I work with patients specifically in diabetes focused care. Today, I was ...

Dehydration Symptoms and Prevention

When it is hot and humid outside, the risk of dehydration increases.  When the air is humid, sweat cannot evaporate ...

IBS vs. IBD: What Are These Bowel Conditions?

Could that abdominal pain or diarrhea be IBS or IBD? While some symptoms can be the same, IBS (Irritable Bowel ...

12 Steps to a Healthier 2013

A few years ago, a worksite wellness coordinator requested that I write a presentation for her worksite. She wanted the ...

Diet Plans in Review: Mediterranean, DASH, and Vegetarian

Diet plans, meal plans and eating programs are everywhere. How many have you tried and how long did they last? ...

How to Determine the Best Diet for You

Look at all of that delicious fuel! That's what food is, fuel for your body. If you are trying to ...

Make Urinary Incontinence a Thing of the Past

If you’ve ever stifled a sneeze or tried not to laugh out of fear of urinary leakage, you’re not alone. ...

Bloated, Constipated or Worse? It Might Be Diverticulitis

It’s easy to take your digestive system for granted, until something goes wrong. In fact, a lot goes on undetected ...

Can Vitamins Fight COVID-19? Expert Advice on Supplement Use

We all want to protect ourselves, and our families, from the Coronavirus. Could adding vitamins to your morning routine give ...

Chronic Pain Relief Without Opioids

With more than one in five American adults suffering from chronic pain, which is pain that lasts longer than three ...