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116 results found

A Cardiologist’s Advice on Weight Loss (For What It’s Worth)

Every now and again a patient will ask me my recommendations on how to lose weight. Makes sense, right? Your ...

Your Blood Pressure is a Very Important Number to Know

Hypertension – High Blood Pressure – AKA The Silent Killer. Almost half of adults in the United States (108 million) ...

Passing a Stress Test Doesn't Necessarily Mean a Healthy Heart

Just last week I saw a patient who suffered a sizable heart attack. He came to the hospital quickly and ...

Nice Work If You Can Get It

Years ago, when I was contemplating my choice of future career, I spoke to several doctors to try to get ...

The Science of Medical School Admissions

I saw an article in the paper a couple weeks ago about how the medical school at Brown University had ...

April 2, 2010 Was My Birthday (It Was Also the Day I Had a Heart Attack)

For the past few days before my birthday I was having bad allergies and also some terrible heartburn.  I had ...