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97 results found

Starving Children in China

A few decades ago children all over this country were expected to polish off platefuls of brussel sprouts and broccoli ...

The Plant Craze: Facts on the Vegetarian, Vegan, and Plant-Based Diets

We have heard the terms vegetarian and vegan thrown around for years, and more recently the plant-based diet has emerged. ...

Type 2 Diabetes Can be Reversed

Over the last 40 years, the rates of type 2 diabetes and obesity have been continuing to rise. There is ...

Mindful Eating During Game Day

For the last installment of our game-day series, I wanted to highlight a secret threat to mindful eating during game ...

Celebrating Easter During Social Distancing

Easter, along with other major holidays, are times for families to be together. We go to church together, have Easter ...

Depression Among the Elderly

In my first year of medical school an instructor posed a question to our class: “If you could develop a ...

Diabetes Diagnosis: What You Should Know

Have you been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes recently? Are you feeling lost or confused? Talk to your health care ...

The Short End of the Stick

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse.  As if it weren’t bad enough already that you spent your ...

New Year's Resolutions

Happy Holidays one and all. ‘Tis the season when nearly everyone entertains the idea of New Year's resolutions. I have no ...

Is a Low-Carb Diet Right for You?

Low-carb or keto diets seem to be a hot topic in today’s world of health and nutrition. You may have ...