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15 results found

Dehydration Symptoms and Prevention

When it is hot and humid outside, the risk of dehydration increases.  When the air is humid, sweat cannot evaporate ...

Stay Hydrated: Protect Your Heart

How Dehydration Affects Your Heart Is thinking about summer causing you to sweat? Be sure to replace those fluids to protect ...

Ladies, Healthy Aging is Possible!

If you are anything like myself, having seen pictures of Blanche from Golden Girls and finding out that the actress ...

3 Life Hacks to Prevent Hemorrhoids

About half of Americans age 50 or older experience occasional hemorrhoids, but they’re rarely discussed. If you’ve had hemorrhoids, you ...

Careful Diet Adherence Improves Success After Bariatric Surgery

Sometimes after surgery, or just in general, someone will follow a clear liquid diet. However, a bariatric clear liquid diet ...

Harmless Palpitation or Heart Problem?

If you experience occasional palpitations, there are things you can do to limit or prevent them. Each of these recommendations are also ways to improve your overall health and wellness.

Health Tips on Hot Days

It’s almost 3 p.m. on Wednesday. It’s 95 degrees outside.  Humidity stands at 69 percent. The dewpoint (the what????) is ...

Eat This: Food Tips for Beginning Walkers

Everyone’s workout is different, so nutritional needs vary from person to person. For those starting a walking program, no special ...

ABCs of Prenatal Vitamins

You might know prenatal vitamins have folic acid to prevent birth defects. But here are other ingredients that are essential for mom and baby, too.

Fall Sports: Parenting Your Child Athlete

Fall sports are in full swing, often leading to new challenges for families.  No longer are we worried about the ...