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How Does Sleep Change as We Age? 6 Tips for Good Sleep Hygiene
If you’re yawning through the evening news, or unable to nod off once your head hits the pillow, you may ...
Another Reason to Sleep? More Sleep Boosts Flu Shot Effectiveness
For a simple way to boost your defense against flu, get plenty of sleep before your flu shot. Those zzzs ...
How Much Does Technology Contribute to Insomnia?
“Doc, I have trouble going to sleep at night…” A common complaint that I get in my sleep clinic is insomnia. ...
Good Sleep Doesn’t Have to be a Dream
Sleep is essential for physical and mental growth. Establishing a routine, maintaining a sleepy space and practicing self care are three ways to help children with sleep.
Why is Sleep Good for Our Brains?
We know that during sleep, your brain actually washes itself out. So, all the toxic material is taken out of ...
Catch Some Sleep, Lose Some lbs
Is it possible that a lack of sleep is putting a damper on your weight management or may even be ...
Why Do Teens Sleep So Late?
It is no news to parents that teens tend to sleep in later than the rest of us. We all ...
Dreams & Sleep - How They Affect Our Brains and Health
My name is Sanjay Singh, and I'm the director of the Neurological Institute here at CHI Health. What Happens in the ...
4 Sleep Hacks for Getting More Zzzzzzs
You have so much to gain from getting good sleep – from your mental sharpness and emotional wellness to heart ...
Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Your Heart
I recently asked a patient about his compliance with therapy for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and got an odd response. ...
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