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244 results found

Nutrition is Powerful Medicine for Obesity and Diabetes

Every day in clinics across the country, health care providers advise patients to eat better and move more, especially those ...

Seven Pillars of Mental Health Stability

Mental health stability is a state where one can cope with everyday stressors, maintain positive mental well-being, and navigate life's challenges with resilience.

Are There Ways I Can Boost My Immune System to Fight Illness?

The human body is by far the most advanced and sophisticated machine imaginable.  The level of complexity, number of systems, ...

An Ounce of Prevention

I saw a middle-aged man in my office the other day for evaluation of shortness of breath (dyspnea, we call ...

Take the Test: National Depression Screening Day

Did you know depression can be “silent?” The signs aren’t always obvious, and they’re often  explained away or minimized. Meanwhile ...

4 Eating Tips For Women Over 40 to Feel Your Best

Feel like you are in a slump? Can’t lose weight? Struggle to stay awake through the afternoon? Lacking motivation and ...

Are You Sitting Down?

Now, whatever you do, don’t get too excited, anxious, worked-up, or fretful about this post.  It is, after all, only ...

Safe Journeys and Fun Healthy Times

Summer is the season for traveling, but is it possible to travel and eat well?  Traveling while maintaining your weight ...

Five Steps Towards Losing Body Fat

1. Eat 5-6 small meals per day Each of these meals should range from 200 to 400 high volume low calorie ...

Bigger and Better

Gaining a lot of extra weight has never been easier, and is just as bad for you as ever "Corpulence is ...