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97 results found

The Truth About Intermittent Fasting

WHAT IS IT Intermittent fasting (IF) is an eating pattern that has technically been around for thousands of years.  This ...

Diabetes Meal Plan Priorities

Can you give me a meal plan? What should I eat?  What about potatoes?  Can I eat fruit? When I first ...

The scoop on salt (recipe included)

In less than a week February 2012 will be recorded in the history books.  For me, it is the end ...

Eating in Season: A Recipe for Health

Shopping and preparing meals within local growing seasons is a creative experience that has a positive impact on our health and ...

10 Tips to Manage Emotional Eating Triggers Over the Holidays

For many, the holidays are a signal to eat with abandon, sort of like "vacation eating." Holiday eating and vacation ...

Stay Healthy While Enjoying Your Summer!

Keep yourself energized with healthy foods so you can feel your best all summer long.

Your Nutrition Jackpot: Dairy

Dairy consumption in the US has been declining steadily since the end of World War II. There are significant and potentially ...

How to Make Your Next Grill-Out Healthy

Summertime is here which means days at the pool, weekends at the lake and plenty of outdoor activities to fill ...

The Other Side of Weight Management – the Struggle to Gain Weight

When you turn on the TV you see ads for weight loss programs, gym promotions and miracle supplements. However, there ...

The Quickest Ways to Healthy Eating

Can Convenience Food Be Considered Healthy Eating? Convenience food that is healthy – can it be true?  Yes!  One of the ...