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116 results found

Therapies for Parkinson's Disease Patients

Parkinson’s disease can affect many aspects of daily living. Common symptoms include a shuffling walking pattern, poor posture, decreased balance ...

This Stroke Risk Factor Hides in Your Heart

Could you be walking around with a tiny hole in your heart and not know it? That’s the case for one in four people, due to an anatomic condition.

Springtime Fitness

Who doesn't love springtime?  What a great way to end the cold, gray days of winter!  As you can probably ...

Collagen Supplementation - Should You Start?

I was walking through the beauty aisle at the store and found collagen peptides for sale. Will supplements help my ...

Stretching Before You Golf

By stretching can help improve your range of motion by up to 17% in your golf swing. Did you know ...

What is Chronic Pelvic Pain and How is it Treated?

Chronic pelvic pain is one of the many pelvic floor disorders that women suffer from. Basically, it’s pain that lasts ...

3 Ways to Get Rid of a Negative Attitude

Strategies to Minimize Negative Thoughts and Cultivate Positivity Take Brief Pauses to Relax Your Mind Whenever we are having negative emotions, I’d ...

May Your Feet Take You Where Your Heart Wants to Go!

Feet are a fun, humble and grateful part of our body and if they are treated well, you can count ...

How to Breathe While Running

One of the most important things to learn while running is how to breathe through your diaphragm as opposed to ...

How to Set Goals that Stick – SMART Goals

To wrap up our New Year’s resolution series, be sure the goals you set are practical and realistic.  One of ...