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167 results found

10 Tips for Healthier Living with Type 2 Diabetes

If you’re one of the millions of Americans living with type 2 diabetes, you know it’s a complex, chronic disease. ...

Prediabetes: 1 in 3 Have This Serious Condition

If the road ahead went off a cliff, you’d turn around in time. That’s the upside of a prediabetes diagnosis. ...

Not all Milks are Created Equal - Understanding Non-Dairy Milks

Whether for personal reasons or due to allergies, millions of people choose to avoid drinking cow’s milk. With all of ...

Healthy lunches aren't just for kids

A healthy lunch will have all the food groups: dairy, vegetable, fruit, protein, and grain. Let’s put some together. For peanut butter ...

Preventing Type 2 Diabetes Postpartum

For many individuals, pregnancy may bring excitement and joy, but also stress.  This stress may be amplified for those experiencing ...

Top 4 Fallacies about Diabetes Management

Being diagnosed with uncontrolled blood sugars can be scary - where do you start with treatment? Plus, if you go ...

Eat This: Food Tips for Beginning Walkers

Everyone’s workout is different, so nutritional needs vary from person to person. For those starting a walking program, no special ...

6 Ways to Recharge Your Will Power

With New Year’s resolutions just around the corner, now is a good time to beef up your willpower game. Willpower ...

15 Recipe Substitutions For Healthier Holiday Meals

The holiday season brings cheer, family, and a lot of cooking. Holiday breakfast, lunch, dinner, desserts, and snacks are all ...

Holiday Eating: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.

The holiday season, also known as the “eating season” is just around the corner. For most that means family time, ...